Friday, July 25, 2008

Joining the bandwagon

So I figured I would join the Blogspot bandwagon. Everyone seems to have a blog these days and I thought it would be a good way to keep people posted on our everyday lives. Hopefully I will find time to post funny things that Gracie does and keep pictures up to date for everyone.

One thing that I have learned this week about my beautiful baby is that she will be a great big sister should we ever decide to have another baby. Sienna, the new baby sister of Jadon the little boy I watch, started this week and Grace was so sweet with her. She wanted to kiss her and hug her and help me with everything. She has always been a big helper with all the daycare kids so I wasn't too surprised she would be the same with Sienna.

Not a lot exciting going on right now. We are looking forward to seeing my sister come Labor Day weekend. She is living in Italy and unfortunately hasn't been able to get to know Grace very much since she is so far away. We love and miss her and her husband and can't wait to see her when she is home on leave.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Ooh this will be fun. :)